

探索手机版 in the most northwestern corner of Kentucky.  The Mississippi and 俄亥俄州 rivers form the western and northern county boundaries.  该县的土地面积为165,760英亩(259平方英里).  威克利夫是县城.

The county is one of the eight counties that make up the Jackson Purchase physiographic region of Kentucky.  It is the youngest region in Kentucky, geologically as well as historically.  The northern and central parts of the county drain into streams that flow into the 俄亥俄州 River.  The southern part drains through Mayfield Creek into the Mississippi River.

The southern part of the county is greatly dissected by natural drainageways which have narrow ridgetops and deep side slopes common to windblown silt (loess) deposits.  The central and northern part of the county has moderately sloped to near level topography.   The area is used primarily by full-time farmers and part-time farmers who derive the rest of their income from industrial or other urban employment.

气候属温和、温带、湿润的大陆性气候.  冬天很短,以短的寒流为特征, 温度频繁急剧变化, 高湿度.  夏天更长,但炎热的时期通常很短.  Precipitation is usually well distributed throughout the year with brief periods of drought occurring in the summer and excess moisture occurring in winter and spring.  年平均降水量为47.年平均降雪量为8.4”.  日平均最高气温为67度.4华氏度,平均每日最低温度是47华氏度.


高速公路. U.S. 51号、60号和62号公路将该县一分为二.  Connecting state routes complete the major roadway 网work with county roads completing the farm to market 网work.  Interstate route 24 is 14 miles east of the county; Interstate route 57 is 6 miles west, 55号州际公路在西边12英里处.

空气.  Barkley Regional 空气port is located 10 miles east of the county line and is easily accessible via US 62 and US 60.   The airport is served by 空气 Illinois and Allegheny Commuter and charter and private flights.  空气 Illinois and Allegheny Commuter together offer regularly schedules of flights (3 to 4 round trips per day) to Louisville KY, 孟菲斯TN, St. 路易斯·莫和印第安纳州埃文斯维尔.  Emery Flight Services or Cardinal Aviation provide air freight service.  The airport is equipped with ILS navigation facilities and 6500ft runway capable of supporting B727 aircraft traffic weights.  空气port ground transportation is offered by National, Avis, and Hertz.

水.  The north and west boundaries of the County are formed by the 俄亥俄州 and Mississippi rivers.  A 9-foot channel stage is maintained affording barge transportation services.  手机版 is at the hub of one of the greatest inland water transportation systems in the world.  Some of the contract and common carriers operating through this area via the Mississippi, 俄亥俄州, 田纳西州, 坎伯兰河包括山谷线, 美国驳船公司, 联合装卸驳线, 南方驳船公司, Crounse公司, M / G运输, 联邦驳船公司, SC & NO驳船公司和Ingert公司.   田纳西-汤比比水道, 在这十年内完成, is expected to open new markets for trade in the southeast US heartland.

铁路.  Illinois Central Gulf maintains a major north/south route through the western portion of the County near Wickliffe.


手机版 Wildlife Management Area is a waterfowl management area offering hunting, 钓鱼, 和野营.  It offers some of the best goose and duck hunting to be found anywhere in Kentucky.

手机版的位置, 在密西西比河和俄亥俄河的交汇处, 提供水上运动的机会, 钓鱼, 和划船.  Four public 网球场s at Ballard Memorial High School have recently been completed.

Private recreational facilities include the 手机版 Country Club with an 18-hole golf course, 网球场, 游泳池, 还有3800平方英尺的会所.


The chief geologic resources within the county are sand, gravel, ground water, and clay.  这一潜力目前大部分尚未开发.  以下是每种资源的简短描述.

地下水.  The plentiful supply of water in 手机版 has played an important role in the development of the county and the cities and industry within its boundaries.  Underlying the county are extensive underground reservoirs that contain large quantities of water of good quality.  Coupled with the surface water availability along the Mississippi and 俄亥俄州 rivers, users are provided with reliable water sources of virtually unlimited supply.  In areas where ricer access is limited or not adjacent to the river, 地下水供应1,在全县大部分地区可获得1万辆GPM.  Figure 1 shows the approximate location of groundwater potential.

砾石.  砾石s from continental deposits of the Pleistocene geologic age are uniformly scattered throughout the county.  Many of the gravel pits have been tested for gradation and quality.  The gravels are commonly used for roadway metal, asphalt pavement base and embankment.  精选矿坑可用于生产水洗豌豆砾石.  The compacted back gravel is a very stable embankment material commonly used as a construction material because of its cost advantage and local availability.

沙子.  沙子 may be obtained from natural deposits or from river dredging operations.  The primary use of the washed river sand is fine aggregate for concrete.  Much of the deposited sand of the Eocene geologic age is clean enough after washing and grading to be suitable for fine abrasive, 耐火材料, 过滤的用途.  Some of the fine, uniformly graded sand deposits have been tested to be 97% pure silica dioxide.

粘土.  粘土 deposits in the Claiborne Formation are potential sources of ceramic grade clay such as pottery, 瓷器, 浴室设备, 烟道瓦, 压瓦, 装饰瓷砖, 乳白色或浅黄色砖在锥5, 低档耐火材料.  高岭石和伊利石, 存在于大多数样品中, 分别占63%到75%和4%到31%, 分别, 粘土矿物的部分.  通常存在少量的蒙脱石.  Testing of a clay deposit for specific purposes would be advisable; however, many sites are of ceramic quality and nearly all deposits exhibit permeability characteristics desirable for lagoon or landfill linings.

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